Sunday, December 7, 2008

O Christmas Tree!

The weekend after Thanksgiving we made our 3rd annual trip to Young's to cut our Christmas tree. We love the tree farm at Young's; it is such a great way to start the holiday season! After Jack road around in the sled and we found the (not so perfect) tree, we returned to their barn where there is popcorn and hot chocolate and lots of friendly people who take your tree from you and fix/wrap it up. They shook the needles off, drilled a hole for the treestand, and even tied it to the top of our car!

Jack didn't seem too thrilled with the sled ride...

...but he did seem to like the trees (or maybe it was the tree saw that he liked.)
Either way, we had a great time, but our tree still isn't decorated. Thats right...we have had a bare tree in our living room for going on two weeks now. I'm starting to learn - that is life with an 8 month old. Things get done - slowly - if at all. Don't get me wrong, Jack is more fun by the minute, but I'm starting to dread the state of our household when there are TWO!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Blog Delinquency...

Hey everyone! Sorry for the long delay between posts, but it's been a little hectic at the Teemer household.
Since I, Jon, am a terrible blogger, please bear with me as I try to post some new pictures.

The first is of Jack all bundled up just before we took him to the annual "Christmas in Springboro" held in late November. It's a festival where the streets of our town are blocked off and lots of vendors set up their booths and sell their Christmas goods and food. It's good for something to do on a freezing cold November Saturday. Does this picture remind anyone else of a scene in The Christmas Story?
The next one is of Jack's newest toy, a ride - on tractor:

Monday, October 20, 2008

Young's Jersey Dairy...

Jack loves all things with fur (including Jon), so we thought a trip to pet the goats at Young's would be an interesting outing. Or, as Jon would put it, we just went for the photo opportunities :)

While this goat doesn't seem to mind Jack's hand reaching for his eye ball, a few other goats ran for the hills....and if you've ever seen the goats at Young's, you know how RARE it is for one of them to actually turn down those nasty little pellets!

Thanks to Grandma Mo, Jack stayed nice and toasty!

Before petting the goats, we took a wagon ride to this field to "pick" our own pumpkin. What ended up happening was more like a "hunt". The object of the hunt was to actually find a non-rotting (is that a word?) pumpkin while managing to not slip and fall on the guts of all the rotten ones! Regardless, Jack liked it because he got to partake in his favorite past time:

...riding on dad's shoulders!

Bye Young's! We'll be back in December to cut down our Christmas tree! (Sorry all you "Green" people out there!)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

"If I Only Had a Heart..."

On a recent trip to the pumpkin patch (Jack's first of course), we encountered some strange characters. Our least favorite, however, was the Tinman:

Jack would like to dedicate this picture to his cousin Milo. He would also like Milo to know that he "booped" the Tinman in his honor (note the angry face).

Actually, I think the pumpkin patch itself was a big hit. Or maybe it was just the ducks in the caged train car. This is one strange "patch," but Jack seemed to like it. These days he is interested in anything with fur or feathers.

Where's Waldo?

Yes, this picture is cheesy. But how can you resist a sign that says "Sugar Pies"??

It is so exciting that Jack can sit up (95% of the time) now. Therefore, we do this trick on a regular basis. And yes, I have had "older" ladies (sorry Mom) give me looks of horror when Jack is slumped over in his padded grocery cart seat. C'mon, he's just resting his head, it is not the end of the world! Actually, I don't feel too bad about these looks considering a suggestion Jon and I received while shopping at Lowe's today. A self-professed "grandma" told us that we should "wrap a piece of elastic AROUND HIS NECK and tie it to his binky." Even if we would have considered this for half a second, the pleading look in Jack's eyes would have changed our minds!

Ok, back to the pumpkin patch.

And finally, the moment you've all been waiting for: Jack's first pumpkin! (I wonder if we'll have this many pictures of our second baby's first

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Growing Up fast...

Baby Jack is so close to crawling...If only we could get him to stop beating his head against the carpet:

Drinkin out of the big boy cup too:

Friday, September 12, 2008

Monday, September 1, 2008

"What I Did Over My Summer Vacation"...By: JD Teemer

This summer I:
read some very interesting parenting magazines,

"bird-watched" in the rainforest,

went on safari,

single-handedly captured AND ingested the Pillsbury Doughboy, and

hung out with my dad.
To be continued...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunset Beach Baby!

We had a great week with Jon's family at Sunset Beach! Here are some pictures of our adventures!

Baby Jack's first plane ride!

PopPop and Baby Jack meet for the first time.

Uncle Steve doing double duty: entertaining Jack and reading to Jack's cousin Jonas!

PopPop with a wide load on his lap! (baby Jack and cousin Milo get aquainted by holding hands)
In the Atlantic Ocean!
A walk on the pier (if you look closely you can see our beach house in the background).
Thank you Aunt Barb, Uncle Steve, Aunt Dawn, and Uncle Eric for coordinating this whole vacation/reunion - we had a wonderful time!! (so did Jack, despite his apathetic appearance in this picture :)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Jon Lost the Camera.

Sorry for the lack of posts/pictures - someone (see title) lost the camera. Amazingly enough, once I purchased a new one, motivation struck and the old one was "miraculously" discovered under a seat in the car! Yay! So, the new camera has been returned and we have a LOT of pictures to catch everyone up on Jack's "progress." He's growing at a rapid pace and as Jon likes to say when we see a baby smaller or "less advanced" than Jack, "He's winning the race!" Nice. Anyway, here are the pictures!

Naked (preparing for a feeding of cereal).

Not surprisingly, this kid is good at eating!

Is it just me or does he look more like a toddler than an "infant"?

Like father, like son!

Starting tomorrow, I'm back to work full time for the school year. I'm really going to miss this little guy...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Buckeye Baby


Nappin' in the big bed...once he hit the mattress he was out. I guess it feels pretty good compared to a pack n play!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

JUMBO Bumbo Baby

I just wanted to post a few pictures of Jack in his "Bumbo" seat. This seat SAYS it fits up to a 3 year old. hmmm...

He was VERY happy once he figured out he was sitting up on his OWN and Mom wasn't holding him! I wonder where he gets that independent streak...

This is the first toy that Jack has actually paid much attention to. He presses it up to his pacifier to hold it in and also attempts to put its whole head in his mouth. Pretty impressive motor skills for such a little guy! His cousins better watch out when he gets to Sunset Beach!!

Monday, June 30, 2008

New Toys! and Teeth?

Well... Jack is up to about 17 pounds now... I am dreading his 3 month appointment coming here soon (I'm sure the doctor will have something to say about his size/ formula consumption). You know you have a big eater when he cries for more formula almost EVERY time you feed him. Other than tha, the only new updates are a new toy (that he is almost too young for, but we're trying it anyway), and we think he may be working on some teeth. I know he is young to be cutting teeth, but his body has probably figured out that it needs something other than formula to sustain it (based on its large size).

Unsure about the new toy.. is this supposed to be fun?

Okay... maybe this is fun, I mean it does have lots of ADHD inspiring flashing lights!

Nah, spoke too soon, it is boring (yawn).

Ok, now get me out of here!

Jack has developed a drooling problem... and a MAJOR need to chew. Could it be a sharpie??

Maybe I can get this whole finger in my mouth...

This was right before a large burp/GAG.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Good news! I think it is finally safe to say that we have a night time sleeper! About two weeks ago, Jack started sleeping for 5-6 hour stretches at night. This accomplishment has finally turned into 8 hours!! We're up to about two weeks straight now, with one "tiny" exception. Last Saturday night Jon and I hired Jack's FIRST real babysitter and had dinner reservations at a fun restaurant in the Oregon with friends.

Unfortunately, I relearned what I already knew: all fun must be spontaneous and NOT planned! Right as our food came I ran for the door and barely made it to pavement before I (insert guess here). Long story short, Jon had his first all nighter with Jack (who didn't sleep for more than 3 hour stretches that night.) I can't really blame Jack for this little glitch in his path to sleeping all night; he was a little out of sorts after Dad tried to put him in his swaddle blanket NAKED. As you can imagine, screaming ensued (both Jack and eventually Dad), but as soon as Jack was returned to his PJs all was well.

Also, in a tribute to Jon (post Father's Day): Dad has taught our genius baby how to brush and floss his tee...gums.