Monday, September 1, 2008

"What I Did Over My Summer Vacation"...By: JD Teemer

This summer I:
read some very interesting parenting magazines,

"bird-watched" in the rainforest,

went on safari,

single-handedly captured AND ingested the Pillsbury Doughboy, and

hung out with my dad.
To be continued...


Joan said...

Jon & Kelly,

These pictures are so cute! Jack is growing and changing so fast, and he is such a happy baby, thanks to great parents. I'm so glad you were able to meet the rest of the family in NC last month.

Love, Mom

Lauren Knight said...

I'd hate to see his diaper after the doughboy incident.

Sorry we've been MIA. But we're back to the world of blogging! I can't believe how big (and CUTE) Jack has gotten!

Aunt Lauren