Monday, June 30, 2008

New Toys! and Teeth?

Well... Jack is up to about 17 pounds now... I am dreading his 3 month appointment coming here soon (I'm sure the doctor will have something to say about his size/ formula consumption). You know you have a big eater when he cries for more formula almost EVERY time you feed him. Other than tha, the only new updates are a new toy (that he is almost too young for, but we're trying it anyway), and we think he may be working on some teeth. I know he is young to be cutting teeth, but his body has probably figured out that it needs something other than formula to sustain it (based on its large size).

Unsure about the new toy.. is this supposed to be fun?

Okay... maybe this is fun, I mean it does have lots of ADHD inspiring flashing lights!

Nah, spoke too soon, it is boring (yawn).

Ok, now get me out of here!

Jack has developed a drooling problem... and a MAJOR need to chew. Could it be a sharpie??

Maybe I can get this whole finger in my mouth...

This was right before a large burp/GAG.

1 comment:

Lauren Knight said...

Maybe you guys should check the formula canister... is it possible that you mixed up Jon's Creatine with Jack's formula? If so, I recommend the YouTube video "Takin' Creatine."

For real, guys. Don't let him take it.