Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Just Some New Pics!

Ok, I've gotten some complaints about not having any new pictures.. so here are a few! I'm soo ready to be done working for the summer.. once I am I promise to update this more often! One new update - Jack has hit a "mini" milestone; he can now roll to his side! He will also now drink an obscene amount of formula if you let him... which is contributing (I suppose) to his baby-beastliness.

Look how scary Petey looks. Does anyone want to adopt a cat???

Thank you Kevin and Meg for the happy baby vibrating chair!

1 comment:

Lauren Knight said...

That kid is a beast! He's gonna be a big one. Too bad Milo will still kick his butt. Your challenge to the Sunset Beach Baby Olympics is foolish. You should see cousin Milo's sleeper-hold. It's ON!

Anyway, brains before brawn, dude.

No, really. Jack is so, so cute. He looks really happy, too! I can't wait to see you guys in a couple of months!