Monday, October 20, 2008

Young's Jersey Dairy...

Jack loves all things with fur (including Jon), so we thought a trip to pet the goats at Young's would be an interesting outing. Or, as Jon would put it, we just went for the photo opportunities :)

While this goat doesn't seem to mind Jack's hand reaching for his eye ball, a few other goats ran for the hills....and if you've ever seen the goats at Young's, you know how RARE it is for one of them to actually turn down those nasty little pellets!

Thanks to Grandma Mo, Jack stayed nice and toasty!

Before petting the goats, we took a wagon ride to this field to "pick" our own pumpkin. What ended up happening was more like a "hunt". The object of the hunt was to actually find a non-rotting (is that a word?) pumpkin while managing to not slip and fall on the guts of all the rotten ones! Regardless, Jack liked it because he got to partake in his favorite past time:

...riding on dad's shoulders!

Bye Young's! We'll be back in December to cut down our Christmas tree! (Sorry all you "Green" people out there!)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

"If I Only Had a Heart..."

On a recent trip to the pumpkin patch (Jack's first of course), we encountered some strange characters. Our least favorite, however, was the Tinman:

Jack would like to dedicate this picture to his cousin Milo. He would also like Milo to know that he "booped" the Tinman in his honor (note the angry face).

Actually, I think the pumpkin patch itself was a big hit. Or maybe it was just the ducks in the caged train car. This is one strange "patch," but Jack seemed to like it. These days he is interested in anything with fur or feathers.

Where's Waldo?

Yes, this picture is cheesy. But how can you resist a sign that says "Sugar Pies"??

It is so exciting that Jack can sit up (95% of the time) now. Therefore, we do this trick on a regular basis. And yes, I have had "older" ladies (sorry Mom) give me looks of horror when Jack is slumped over in his padded grocery cart seat. C'mon, he's just resting his head, it is not the end of the world! Actually, I don't feel too bad about these looks considering a suggestion Jon and I received while shopping at Lowe's today. A self-professed "grandma" told us that we should "wrap a piece of elastic AROUND HIS NECK and tie it to his binky." Even if we would have considered this for half a second, the pleading look in Jack's eyes would have changed our minds!

Ok, back to the pumpkin patch.

And finally, the moment you've all been waiting for: Jack's first pumpkin! (I wonder if we'll have this many pictures of our second baby's first

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Growing Up fast...

Baby Jack is so close to crawling...If only we could get him to stop beating his head against the carpet:

Drinkin out of the big boy cup too: