Monday, June 30, 2008

New Toys! and Teeth?

Well... Jack is up to about 17 pounds now... I am dreading his 3 month appointment coming here soon (I'm sure the doctor will have something to say about his size/ formula consumption). You know you have a big eater when he cries for more formula almost EVERY time you feed him. Other than tha, the only new updates are a new toy (that he is almost too young for, but we're trying it anyway), and we think he may be working on some teeth. I know he is young to be cutting teeth, but his body has probably figured out that it needs something other than formula to sustain it (based on its large size).

Unsure about the new toy.. is this supposed to be fun?

Okay... maybe this is fun, I mean it does have lots of ADHD inspiring flashing lights!

Nah, spoke too soon, it is boring (yawn).

Ok, now get me out of here!

Jack has developed a drooling problem... and a MAJOR need to chew. Could it be a sharpie??

Maybe I can get this whole finger in my mouth...

This was right before a large burp/GAG.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Good news! I think it is finally safe to say that we have a night time sleeper! About two weeks ago, Jack started sleeping for 5-6 hour stretches at night. This accomplishment has finally turned into 8 hours!! We're up to about two weeks straight now, with one "tiny" exception. Last Saturday night Jon and I hired Jack's FIRST real babysitter and had dinner reservations at a fun restaurant in the Oregon with friends.

Unfortunately, I relearned what I already knew: all fun must be spontaneous and NOT planned! Right as our food came I ran for the door and barely made it to pavement before I (insert guess here). Long story short, Jon had his first all nighter with Jack (who didn't sleep for more than 3 hour stretches that night.) I can't really blame Jack for this little glitch in his path to sleeping all night; he was a little out of sorts after Dad tried to put him in his swaddle blanket NAKED. As you can imagine, screaming ensued (both Jack and eventually Dad), but as soon as Jack was returned to his PJs all was well.

Also, in a tribute to Jon (post Father's Day): Dad has taught our genius baby how to brush and floss his tee...gums.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Just Some New Pics!

Ok, I've gotten some complaints about not having any new pictures.. so here are a few! I'm soo ready to be done working for the summer.. once I am I promise to update this more often! One new update - Jack has hit a "mini" milestone; he can now roll to his side! He will also now drink an obscene amount of formula if you let him... which is contributing (I suppose) to his baby-beastliness.

Look how scary Petey looks. Does anyone want to adopt a cat???

Thank you Kevin and Meg for the happy baby vibrating chair!