Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunset Beach Baby!

We had a great week with Jon's family at Sunset Beach! Here are some pictures of our adventures!

Baby Jack's first plane ride!

PopPop and Baby Jack meet for the first time.

Uncle Steve doing double duty: entertaining Jack and reading to Jack's cousin Jonas!

PopPop with a wide load on his lap! (baby Jack and cousin Milo get aquainted by holding hands)
In the Atlantic Ocean!
A walk on the pier (if you look closely you can see our beach house in the background).
Thank you Aunt Barb, Uncle Steve, Aunt Dawn, and Uncle Eric for coordinating this whole vacation/reunion - we had a wonderful time!! (so did Jack, despite his apathetic appearance in this picture :)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Jon Lost the Camera.

Sorry for the lack of posts/pictures - someone (see title) lost the camera. Amazingly enough, once I purchased a new one, motivation struck and the old one was "miraculously" discovered under a seat in the car! Yay! So, the new camera has been returned and we have a LOT of pictures to catch everyone up on Jack's "progress." He's growing at a rapid pace and as Jon likes to say when we see a baby smaller or "less advanced" than Jack, "He's winning the race!" Nice. Anyway, here are the pictures!

Naked (preparing for a feeding of cereal).

Not surprisingly, this kid is good at eating!

Is it just me or does he look more like a toddler than an "infant"?

Like father, like son!

Starting tomorrow, I'm back to work full time for the school year. I'm really going to miss this little guy...