Thursday, July 3, 2008

Buckeye Baby


Nappin' in the big bed...once he hit the mattress he was out. I guess it feels pretty good compared to a pack n play!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

JUMBO Bumbo Baby

I just wanted to post a few pictures of Jack in his "Bumbo" seat. This seat SAYS it fits up to a 3 year old. hmmm...

He was VERY happy once he figured out he was sitting up on his OWN and Mom wasn't holding him! I wonder where he gets that independent streak...

This is the first toy that Jack has actually paid much attention to. He presses it up to his pacifier to hold it in and also attempts to put its whole head in his mouth. Pretty impressive motor skills for such a little guy! His cousins better watch out when he gets to Sunset Beach!!