Sunday, May 25, 2008

Jack goes to The Greene!

It has been such a beautiful weekend! Yesterday we decided to take Jack on his first official shopping trip to The Greene. We were lucky enough to happen upon some kind of kiddie show taking place near the fountain...but instead of stopping to watch, Jon informed Jack that we were "going to teach him not to like that kind of stuff.. so we'd never have to go to it." Nice. We had fun anyway, at the English Pub across the street. Dad also learned that a baby stroller/baby is the best accessory you can have when trying to attract cute young girls. I came out of the dressing room at Black and White to find Jon and Jack surrounded (literally) by a swarm of sales girls. It was a scene straight out of movie. They were oohing and ahhing and telling Jack how strong he was. Already a ladies' man! Here is a picture of the boys as we QUICKLY passed by the kiddie show in the park (note the fun, festive balloons FAR in the distance):

Thank God for the baby carrier!

"After Picture" Jack was knocked out.. until about 1 AM.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Say Cheese!

Jack has just started smiling (for reasons other than GAS), so we've gone a little crazy with the pictures. Here are a couple smiles we managed to catch!

The Best $20 Ever Spent...

This is a picture of Jack... after spending 15 minutes in the 20 dollar used swing we bought from a neighbor. We like to call this look "swing drunk." This cheap-0 swing is awesome. Actually, Jack is just glad it is still structurally sound after his cousin Milo took a swing in it a few weeks ago! We're still waiting for the replacement batteries... Milo burned through ours in his 5 minute swing ride! Enough teasing, because although Milo is "advanced" in the size department, it looks like Jack might not be too far behind him! (Note the chin/cheek combo) Oh, and Jack also wanted to tell Milo thank you for sharing his comfy alligator pants with him.

Here is another picture that demonstrates the size of his chin/cheeks. Lets just say he did NOT get that from me ;)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Few Firsts!

Well, as I've said before, Jack has been doing what most newborns do - eating, pooping, and sleeping! However, he does seem to be waking up a little more lately. We've had a couple days where he has been awake almost all day! Anyway, we finally accomplished a first bath (don't worry, there have been several since then) and a first (5 minute) nap in the BIG and SCARY crib! Until now, he has been sleeping in his little bassinet. This has worked out wonderfully, but I wake up with every little noise he makes. I never knew that newborns don't just sleep silently and peacefully. While he is asleep, he is full of groans, howls, and every now and then even a giggle or two! Hopefully this crib thing will work out soon...

This did NOT last long, I'm surprised I had time to grab the camera!

And yes, I know, every book I have says you are not supposed to use blankets or crib bumpers, but I can't stand to leave a tiny baby uncovered!! (plus the bumpers are so cute!) If he can't move his own head/body yet, can he really get stuck under a bumper?? As soon as he can roll we'll work on the bedding!
