Friday, August 7, 2009

Summer Fun!

I have a whole summer to catch up on - so I am going to start with today and go backwards! We went to Young's Dairy as our last Friday play date (with friends from school) and we had a really fun time! They have a new kiddie play area with a "sand" box that is actually filled with dry corn kernels instead of sand (genius). The area is also complete with John Deere trikes, a tunnel, slides, a wooden cow to milk and hay bales. We spend most of the morning there!

And of course, we also fed the goats...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Jack's 1st Birthday!

Sorry about the delay in updating the blog, but we've had some technical problems with our internet. Since Kelly has had such a hectic schedule, I decided that it is Dad's turn to try updating the blog (so Kelly will just have to fix this posting later).

Jack had his first birthday recently, and it was a blast! He invited about 20 guests of all ages and got plenty of attention, to say the least. Mom went all-out on the celebration:

Jack had a great time opening presents too:

And, finally, he ate his cake, but with a lot less enthousiasm than we expected...maybe it was the 20 people staring at him all at once thing....

And what post would be complete without something embarrassing that we can show Jack's future prom date?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

It has been a long time...

...but hopefully these pictures will show why! Our house seems to be in a constant state of upheaval. Our "baby" is becoming a toddler, and there is never a dull second:

Porky definitely enjoys Jack's new ability to throw and dump food! And of course, he never leaves Jack's side.

I swear I don't feed him Cheetos. He pulled this bag down off the table and was sitting in a PILE of Cheetos. I cleaned up the pile before I took the picture. Then, I had to PRY the Cheetos out of his hands and of course, crying ensued.

(More pictures to come of Jack walking outside...we're having technical issues!)

Jack is walking really well with a walker, but I don't think he's close to doing it on his own. Jon and I have decided that his legs aren't big enough to hold up his belly yet!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

O Christmas Tree!

The weekend after Thanksgiving we made our 3rd annual trip to Young's to cut our Christmas tree. We love the tree farm at Young's; it is such a great way to start the holiday season! After Jack road around in the sled and we found the (not so perfect) tree, we returned to their barn where there is popcorn and hot chocolate and lots of friendly people who take your tree from you and fix/wrap it up. They shook the needles off, drilled a hole for the treestand, and even tied it to the top of our car!

Jack didn't seem too thrilled with the sled ride...

...but he did seem to like the trees (or maybe it was the tree saw that he liked.)
Either way, we had a great time, but our tree still isn't decorated. Thats right...we have had a bare tree in our living room for going on two weeks now. I'm starting to learn - that is life with an 8 month old. Things get done - slowly - if at all. Don't get me wrong, Jack is more fun by the minute, but I'm starting to dread the state of our household when there are TWO!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Blog Delinquency...

Hey everyone! Sorry for the long delay between posts, but it's been a little hectic at the Teemer household.
Since I, Jon, am a terrible blogger, please bear with me as I try to post some new pictures.

The first is of Jack all bundled up just before we took him to the annual "Christmas in Springboro" held in late November. It's a festival where the streets of our town are blocked off and lots of vendors set up their booths and sell their Christmas goods and food. It's good for something to do on a freezing cold November Saturday. Does this picture remind anyone else of a scene in The Christmas Story?
The next one is of Jack's newest toy, a ride - on tractor:

Monday, October 20, 2008

Young's Jersey Dairy...

Jack loves all things with fur (including Jon), so we thought a trip to pet the goats at Young's would be an interesting outing. Or, as Jon would put it, we just went for the photo opportunities :)

While this goat doesn't seem to mind Jack's hand reaching for his eye ball, a few other goats ran for the hills....and if you've ever seen the goats at Young's, you know how RARE it is for one of them to actually turn down those nasty little pellets!

Thanks to Grandma Mo, Jack stayed nice and toasty!

Before petting the goats, we took a wagon ride to this field to "pick" our own pumpkin. What ended up happening was more like a "hunt". The object of the hunt was to actually find a non-rotting (is that a word?) pumpkin while managing to not slip and fall on the guts of all the rotten ones! Regardless, Jack liked it because he got to partake in his favorite past time:

...riding on dad's shoulders!

Bye Young's! We'll be back in December to cut down our Christmas tree! (Sorry all you "Green" people out there!)